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IHL Board Of Trustees

  • Dr. Alfred Rankin Jr. IHL  Commissioner
  • Hal Parker Pres.
  • Dr. Ford Dye, Vice Pres.
  • Tom Duff
  • Dr. Steven Cunningham
  • Shane Hooper
  • Dr. Alfred E. McNair Jr.
  • Chip Morgan
  • Hal Parker
  • Jeanne Carter Luckey
  • Bruce Martin
  • Dr. J. Walt Starr

Karen L. Cummins

Gee Ogletree

Ann H. Lamar


Mr. Bruce Williams

Mrs. Jerri Jackson

Mr. Melvin Anderson

Rev. Barney Rankin

Community Advisory Meetings

Alcorn Public Radio-91.7 WPRL Community Advisory Board Meetings are open to the public unless closed for a reason recognized by the Communications Act. Anyone may attend any open meeting without registering or providing personal information,unless for safety reasons.

All meetings are held at WPRL Radio Industrial Technology Buildinng, Lorman,Ms 39096,from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Meeting Dates

Jan 5,2020

March 6,2020

June 7,2020

September 6,2020

December 20,,2020

March 5,2020

June 12,2020

Sept 16,2020

Dec 5,2020

Executive Staff Members

 Dr.Cornelius Wotten , VP for Finance and Administration

Charles Edmond, Operational Manager

Jerome Myles, Music/Program Director

Myrtle Hedrick, Administrative Assistant, Secretary/Traffic Director

Gemario Brooks, R&B Announcer,Director







Statement regarding Financial Report(s)


As a CSG recipient , WPRL-FM is required to post information concerning highly compensated staff and contractors. For 2016 no employee or contractor earns income over the reported threshold.

Interested parties may obtain a copy of WPRL-FM Audited Financial Report (AFR) by calling 601-877-6290 or sending a email to


WPRL-FM/Alcorn State University is committed to providing leadership and support to:

Foster and enhance an inclusive climate which affirms the value and contributions to every member of the WPRL-FM family.

Provide information regarding the station's diversity efforts, current demographics, emerging trends and long range plans for capitalizing on future opportunities.

Engage our community partners in social justice education initiatives grounded in strength based practices to demonstrate the university's commitment to providing opportunities and access to undersourced populations.

Provide support in the efforts to deliver a workforce climate for attracting and retaining a diverse staff.

WPRL-FM is an equal opportunity employer and will attempt to recruit a diverse workforce and explicitly forbid discrimination harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability and marital status.

Local Content and Services Report

1. Describe your overall goals and approach to address identified community issues, needs, and interests through your station’s vital local services, such as muitiple platforms long and short-form content, digital and in-person engagement, education services, community information, partnership support, and other activities, and audiences you reached or new audiences you engaged.

WPRL 91.7 FM continues to work with leaders in the community,companies that buy,sale a safe product that comes from the farm to the dinner table. We are continuing to produce Live broadcast from the area farm community and partnering with the AgExtension department on getting this information out. We have help to create 3 radio shows here at WPRL 91.7 FM the shows main objected is to help educate and inform our listeners about farming,money and marketing to name a few. The shows are as follows

1. The Extension This Week Radio Show

2. Enriching Lives Radio Show (Both shows are hosted by Manola Irby)

3. Marketing With Myles Radio Show hosted by Dr.Elizabeth B. Myles

All of the radio shows are produced by Jerome E.Myles Sr. Program / Music Director for WPRL 91.7 FM.

2. Describe key initiatives and the variety of partners with whom you collaborated, including other public media outlets, community nonprofits, government agencies, educational institutions, the business community, teachers and parents, etc. This will illustrate the many ways you’re connected across the community and engaged with other important organizations in the area.

WPRL 91.7 FM continues to work with various radio stations,media outlets to help keep our listeners in the community informed on what's happening at Alcorn State University and the area, as always we have connected with 6 radio stations across the state that use our information that we pass on to them that include local news,sports and the community information that we feel our listeners Need to know about.3. What impact did your key initiatives and partnerships have in your community? Describe any known measurable impact, such as increased awareness, learning or understanding about particular issues. Describe indicators of success, such as connecting people to needed resources or strengthening conversational ties across diverse neighborhoods. Did a partner see an increase in requests for related resources? Please include direct feedback from a partner(s) or from a person(s) served.

WPRL-FM has their annual toy drive which helps needy kids during the holiday season. Listeners bring in toys to the radio station and a week before Christmas those toys are delivered to the needy kids in our area. As a result of the success of the toy drive, there has been a request to place receptable in different parts of the community for people to drop off. Since WPRL 91.7 FM has increased it's involvement in the Ag community that has lead to Awareness about food safety to the consumer and the farmer getting more money for their product also we have increased Awareness about Health issues in our community and how the University has gotten more involved. WPRL 91.7 FM and the Ag Extension have teamed up and we go out in the area communties that we serve to get the word out.4. Please describe any efforts (e.g. programming, production, engagement activities) you have made to investigate and/or meet the needs of minority and other diverse audiences (including, but not limited to, new immigrants, people for whom English is a second language and illiterate adults) during Fiscal Year 2014, and any plans you have made to meet the needs of these audiences during Fiscal Year 2015. If you regularly broadcast in a language other than English, please note the language broadcast.

WWPRL 91.7 FM is part of a Diverse University and we have students from all walks of life that we allow them to develop their own programs on our station. This includes music,news and other pertinent information here at Alcorn State University we have increased enrollment of our international students and we give them a chance to share their stories about their experience here ASU. 5. Please assess the impact that your CPB funding had on your ability to serve your community. What were you able to do with your grant that you wouldn't be able to do if you didn't receive it?

The CPB funds have been a blessing for WPRL-FM. The funds have been instrumental in paying for NPR Programming as well as travel to various venues to partner with different entities such as school districts etc. The funds are also instrumental in hiring part-time students to assists during critical periods during the year. Also with the funding we have been able to upgrade our equipment to be able to reach more people in our community and other areas CPB funding has been a Great Asset to WPRL 91.7 FM.